Body Language of a Liar: 3 Ways to Catch Them Lying

The body language of a liar is easy to spot, if you know how. But why go through to all the trouble to observe someone closely just to catch their lies? Here's why: I am SICK of Liars. They are everywhere and are as prevalent in this world as scum is on the bottom of your aquarium. Most people put up with liars in their lives - lying spouses, bluffing bosses, dishonest friends and cheating lovers - without actually knowing that they SHOULD and CAN weed out the liars. Here are 3 ways how you can detect the body language of a liar, AND catch liars red handed!

1 - A liar always subconsciously covers his mouth

When someone is in the process of lying, he may subconsciously cover the mouth in a bid to stop the conscious mind from lying. Of course, this does not work and the person will still go ahead with the lie, and YOU will eventually catch him in the act!

2 - A liar often fiddles with his nose when uttering a lie

Believe it or not, the nose will engorge itself when a person is lying through his teeth. This is more scientific than anything, because researchers have proven that when we cease to tell the truth, certain chemicals are produced, causing our nose to enlarge subtly but sometimes, noticeably  bigger!

3 - Tugging of the collars

A liar will tug at or fiddle with his ears, and for a good reason too. Ever experienced a prickly feeling against your neck during a hot day? A liar feels an even more intense prickly feeling (as a result of sky-rocketing blood pressure) when he lies and that is why he tugs on his shirt collar.


Now, if you are as tired as I am about being lied to, you may want to weed out dishonest people in your life just by checking out the body language of a liar. I found Bust Liars to be an extremely great source of information, and I hope you will too. 

Click HERE to get Bust Liars now!

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